Medical Insurance for Children and Division of Uncovered/Unreimbursed Medical Expenses
One parent will often be required to provide medical insurance for the children, but the amount the parent pays for that insurance is taken into consideration in the guideline child support calculation. Additionally, the Court will usually require the parties to split the uncovered or unreimbursed medical expenses of the children on percentage basis, depending on the relative income of the parties.
Private School Tuition
The Court can require a parent to pay for the private school tuition of a child, in addition to the child support being paid, if certain specific factors are met and considered by the Court. These factors may include whether the parent has the ability to pay the tuition, the standard of living of the parties and whether private school tuition is within that standard, whether the child has traditionally attended private school, whether there are any special educational needs of the child, and whether it would be in the best interests of the child to attend private school.