Relocation with Children
Litigation which involves your children, and where they will live, is one of the most stressful types of litigation a person can face, and emotions always run high when such a dispute exists between parents. But our team of lawyers have assisted hundreds of clients with timesharing (custody/visitation) issues, including relocation issues, and we have decades of experience helping clients through the stress and emotions that go hand-in-hand when such litigation is imminent or has been filed.
The uncertainty and stress of a disputes related to children is even higher when one of the parents wants to relocate with the children. Our attorneys have helped countless clients navigate this stress and uncertainty of relocation issues. If you are facing a relocation dispute, contact us to find out what issues you will face and how we can help you navigate the process with confidence.
The uncertainty and stress of a disputes related to children is even higher when one of the parents wants to relocate with the children. Our attorneys have helped countless clients navigate this stress and uncertainty of relocation issues. If you are facing a relocation dispute, contact us to find out what issues you will face and how we can help you navigate the process with confidence.